10 Tips to Handle Inbound Sales Calls

Inbound sales calls are one of the best ways to engage with prospective customers. They offer a direct line to the customer and allow you to pick your timing and tone, instead of having the customer decide when they want to talk to you.

However, if you’re not prepared for inbound sales calls, you can end up wasting time or even losing potential customers. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips to help you handle inbound sales calls like a pro.

What are Inbound Sales Calls?

Inbound sales calls are a type of telemarketing that occurs when a customer reaches out to a company directly, rather than being reached by the company.
Inbound sales calls are an effective way to make contact with potential customers and build relationships with them. They can be used in tandem with other forms of marketing, including email, social media, and direct mail.

10 Effective ways to handle inbound sales calls

Inbound sales calls are a necessary part of business life. Although they can be stressful, difficult situations do not necessarily have to cause distress.

Here are 10 effective ways to handle inbound sales calls like a pro:

1 – Prepare ahead of time

Before you answer the phone, take a few seconds to gather yourself and prepare for the call. If you’re in a meeting or otherwise distracted, that’s OK! You can use the time before the call to jot down some notes about what you want to talk about or what you need from your customer.

2 – Stay focused on the call

Once you’re on the call, don’t get distracted by anything else that’s going on around you, no matter how important it may seem at the moment. Keep your focus on your conversation with the customer, and try not to let yourself get sidetracked by other things going on around you.

3 – Maintain a professional demeanor

It can be tempting to get excited when you hear the words “yes” or “we’ll buy” come out of someone’s mouth. However you must remember that: this is still a business call, and your job is to take care of customers and make sure they feel comfortable with your company and brand. If someone seems hesitant about purchasing, don’t rush them into it. It’s better for everyone involved if you offer them time to think about their decision instead of forcing them into making one they might regret later on down the road.

4 – Have your script ready

Even though it’s not always necessary to read from a script when talking over the phone with potential customers, some things are just easier said than done when it comes down to it (like keeping track of who bought what). That’s why having a script ready before making calls can help keep things organized.

5 – Be prepared to handle objections

When you’re handling inbound sales calls, it’s important not to rush the sales process. You should be prepared to handle objections and other roadblocks that may come up during your call.

6 – Don’t rush the sales process

The first thing you should do when handling inbound sales calls is to make sure you’re not rushing the sales process. If you’re too eager or pushy, you could lose your prospect’s interest before you even get started! This can lead to a lot of wasted time and effort on both sides, so take your time and be patient when working through objections with your prospect.

7 – Follow up after every call with a thank you email/text

This is the best way to show that you care about your customers and their needs, even if you’re not able to meet them in person. And this will help you build relationships with your customers so they think of you as an ally, not just another company trying to sell them something.

8 – Use scripts when appropriate

It’s okay to use scripts sometimes in fact, they can make your sales process more efficient by helping you avoid awkward pauses or miscommunications. Just make sure to read over the script beforehand so it sounds natural and conversational when it comes out of your mouth!

9 – Pay attention to nonverbal communication cues from the customer

It’s easy to get so caught up in what you’re saying that you forget to pay attention to how a customer is responding to your pitch. Are they nodding and smiling? Are they looking at their watch or checking their phone? Are they staring intently at you like they’re trying to memorize every word you say? When you notice these kinds of cues, it can help you adjust your pitch accordingly. For example, if a customer seems bored or distracted, it might be time for a break or a new topic.

10 – Practice makes perfect

The best way to improve your skills inbound sales calls is by practicing! Try out different pitches with friends and family members who will give honest feedback about what works and what doesn’t work. Use this feedback to improve your pitch until it feels like second nature and then uses it on customers!

Why are Inbound Sales Calls important?

Inbound sales calls are important because they allow you to build relationships with potential customers. When you have these relationships, you can be more effective and efficient at providing the services or products that are most relevant to their needs. These relationships also make it easier to sell your products because they build trust between the buyer and seller, which makes the buyer more likely to purchase something from you.

Final Thoughts

If understanding sales calls is just not something that comes easily, get in contact and have a phone call to discuss inbound sales strategy for your business or company!

We’ve just covered a lot of different tips and tricks to help you make the most of inbound calls. Now it’s time to put them into action but before you do that, take a moment to reflect on what we talked about today. Have any of these tips appealed to you? Are there any that don’t? What would be helpful for us to cover next time?

We hope this was helpful! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need help with anything at all!